Strayer University Free Laptop To Start Bachelor’s In 2024

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  • Post last modified:March 27, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Strayer, a private university located in Washington D.C. This university was established in 1892 and offers various degrees in undergraduate and graduate programs. Strayer University provides both online and on-campus classes to facilitate international students and workers.

The university is known for its highly supportive community. It also offers a wide range of programs and incentives to facilitate students. These incentives include no-cost general education via the Sophia learning program and a free laptop program for bachelor students.

In this article, we will cover the free laptop program by Strayer University in 2024 and check its validity. We will also have a look at its requirements.

Strayer University free laptop program

Start Your Bachelor’s With A New Laptop

Strayer University

The university offers free laptops to facilitate students’ studies. To get a free laptop from the university, you need to design any of the bachelor’s degrees either online or on campus.


Follow the following steps to get a free brand-new laptop with the worth of about $500.

  • Go to their website and apply for any of the Strayer University programs either on campus or online.
  • After successfully applying, they will send you a laptop agreement form to sign.
  • Sign the given form to agree with the terms and conditions for a free laptop.
  • After signing the form, you will get an email from their laptop supplier.
  • Their laptop supplier is Microtek.
  • Give your shipping address via the supplier email.
  • In a few days, you will get a brand-new laptop.

Not Eligible Students

If you fulfill any of the criteria that I described below, then you are not eligible to get a new laptop from Strayer University Washington D.C.

  • If you are a continuing student or a readmit, you are not eligible for this program.
  • Employees of Strategic Education, Inc. and their relatives(subsidiaries and family members residing in the same house) are not eligible for this program.
  • Students who enrolled through these are also not eligible,
    • Strayer@Work
    • Degrees@Work
  • Also, the university will not ship outside the United States.

I am sorry to say but if you fall under any of the conditions mentioned above then you are not eligible for this laptop program.

Things To Remember

Finally, if you are eligible for this program then you must keep these points in mind so that you don’t lose your laptop,

  • You will get the laptop once. If the laptop is broken or stolen then the university will not give you another laptop. Therefore, be careful when using this laptop.
  • To keep this laptop you must complete three of your four quarters of enrollment. Otherwise, you will have to return the laptop or pay a fine of $441.

Final Thoughts

After reading all the terms and conditions, I hope you are eligible for this program. If you need any assistance regarding Strayer University’s free laptop program, you may visit their official page or contact us with any inquiries.


Which Laptop do you get with the Strayer University program?

As they mentioned on their official website the laptop is loaded with Windows software. Therefore, you can conclude that it is a Windows laptop, not a Macbook.

What is the worth of a laptop?

If you don’t follow the terms and conditions of the Strayer University laptop program you have to pay a $441 fine so we can conclude that the laptop is worth $400 to $500.

When will you get your laptop?

According to Strayer University, laptops are shipped three weeks before the start of the new term.

Can I get a laptop outside the US?

I am sorry to say but Strayer University does not ship laptops outside the U.S.

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