Tattoo Tip Calculator

Pay the tip According To The Efficiency And Quality Work Of Tatto Artist.

Tattoo tip calculator

Total Tip: $0.00

Tip Per Person: $0.00

Total Amount to Pay: $0.00


Why Give Tip?

Giving tips to the tattoo artist is A way to show appreciation for their service. This tip also helps them to improve their finances because some of them had to buy instruments used in tattooing by themselves. Also, dipping is a part of tattoo etiquette.

How Much Tip Should Be Given To A Tattoo Artist?

 Giving tips to a tattoo artist depends upon the way you like the services and your budget. You may give 5% 10% or maybe 40% tip to the artist. Use the above tool to calculate the amount of tip you should give.

If at the end of the tattooing visual bill is $300 then you may give a tip of 10% or 15% which is about $15 above your actual service bill.

What Are Tattoo Tip Etiquette?

Tipping a tattoo artist is a way to show appreciation for his skill, time, services, and work. Following that some etiquettes that you should follow for tipping and tattoo artist. 

  • The general community rate is 20%. However, based on the services and the total bill, you may give less or more tips that you can calculate from the above calculator.
  • If you don’t like the work of the artist communicate with him/her and if in the end he/she satisfies you, then must give him/her a tip for the appreciation of the work.
  • The generous amount of tip is also a gesture to encourage the artist.

What's A Good And Average Tattoo Tip?

20% is the community rate that most of the people give to the artist however on average 10% to 15% tip is given.

A good tip is more than 20%. You can calculate the exact amount of tip from the above calculator.